Friday, 31 May 2013

Poetry - Helen is Here - Wattpad

Remember Helen of Troy? Okay, so this might help you recall

She has the faced that launched a thousand ships. Her beauty is just so intense that people fought over her. I wrote a poem inspired by that commanding beauty of Helen. You know, the way she takes over and grab other people's attention. When, I was learning about her in high school I imagined that if she walked into that our classroom room would all be in awe of her sublime beauty.

A friend of mine is such a pageant geek. If starts talking about it, it will be hard to step on the breaks. He would show me pictures and videos. I would sit there and wonder how it feels like to walk into that stage and have the world's eyes all set on you. Then, I realized something, these ladies are the Helens of the present time.  Grace, wit, and passion are just the few things that they channel as the stride on that stage.

I sit there wondering how they do it. Then, my friend told me about all the rigid training that they have to take before they go into the stage. So I guess in pageants, when each one of them walk into that stage they have that sense of hunger for the title.

I wrote a poem inspired by a beauty queens journey and the characteristics that they show.
Poetry - Helen is Here - Wattpad

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